Waver meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Waver (verb)

Possible Meanings:

  1. To move or sway unsteadily from side to side. (Less common meaning)
  2. To hesitate or show indecision in thought or purpose. (Most common meaning)

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Example Sentences:

  • The flag wavered in the gentle breeze. (Explanation: Waver describes the flag’s slight back-and-forth movement due to the wind.)
  • (Most common): She wavered between ordering the fish or the pasta, unable to make a decision. (Explanation: Here, waver describes her indecision and difficulty choosing between two options.)

Conversation Example:

Person 1: “I’m not sure what movie to watch. Should we pick a comedy or a thriller?”

Person 2: “I don’t mind either way. Don’t waver for too long, though, or we might miss the start!” (Explanation: Person 2 uses waver to playfully suggest their friend shouldn’t take too long to decide.)

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