Unconventional Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the Day: Unconventional (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  • Not conforming to traditional or accepted standards, practices, or methods.
  • Unusual, unorthodox, or innovative.

Example Sentences:

  1. She pursued an unconventional career path, choosing to become a freelance photographer instead of working in an office. (Explanation: Unconventional describes her career choice as different from the typical path.)
  2. The artist’s unconventional painting style challenged traditional notions of beauty. (Explanation: Here, unconventional describes the art style as unique and different from established norms.)
  3. To solve the problem, they needed to come up with an unconventional approach. (Explanation: Unconventional emphasizes the need for a creative or outside-the-box solution.)
  4. He wore an unconventional suit to the interview, but his confidence and qualifications ultimately landed him the job. (Explanation: Unconventional describes his outfit as different from what’s typically expected in a formal setting.)
  5. Their unconventional love story began with a chance encounter on a mountaintop. (Explanation: Unconventional describes their relationship as unique and not following a traditional path.)

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Conversation Example:

Person 1: “I finally decided to take that pottery class I’ve been wanting to try.”

Person 2: “That’s awesome! Sounds like a fun way to spend your free time. Are you learning any unconventional techniques?”

Person 1: “Actually, yes! The instructor incorporates a lot of found objects and mixed media into her pieces. It’s definitely different from what I imagined.”

Person 2: “Wow, that sounds really cool! It’s great that you’re trying something new and unconventional. Maybe you’ll create something truly unique!”

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