Trying to learn how to think clearly – Day 31/90

It’s day 31st of 90 days daily writing challenge. I have started this challenge to improve my English writing and thinking skills to reach a level of proficiency where I can write high quality articles effortlessly.

One of the most crucial skill that I found myself lacking is the ability to think clearly. This is something that I always wanted to improve but never took any action towards it. With this article I will share what caused me to start working towards clear thinking and what I will be doing to get better at it.

Incident that made me realise how important is clear thinking

Today I went to the doctor to get appointment for my mother as she has a nail infection because of the ingrown nails which occurs when toe nail starts growing inwards into the skin. This causes an excruciating pain and swelling in the surrounding area. We thought it would be better to consult a doctor and ask for the available treatment so I took my mother straight to the hospital for checkup. At hospital they asked us how they can help us so I started explaining them about the problem but failed to explain it clearly so my sister’s husband proceeded with the further explanation. I felt bad for not being able to explain such a simple thing. I started reflecting on what caused this and after a moment of deep thinking, I came to the realisation that I lack the ability to think clearly that’s why I take so much time to process the information. This was the moment I decided I will work on this skill and improve it to an extent where I can not only think fast but also explain my thoughts well.

What I will be doing to improve my ability to think clearly

Writing for sure has helped me a lot in improving my ability to think clearly so I will stay consistent with it. However, there are skills other than writing that need to be worked on simultaneously to improve thinking.

One of the most important skills that I believe will help in thinking clearly is to eliminate the fear from the mind. So what fear am I talking about. With me personally it’s to sound stupid. Whenever I am at a place where their is a possibility of being judged, it brings me a fear of sounding stupid. With this fear, my ability to think clearly goes straight downhill. Getting over this fear alone will fix more than half of my problem. To overcome this fear I will try to accept the fact that there’s is nothing wrong with sounding stupid sometimes as it’s a part of being human. Even if I sound stupid sometimes doesn’t mean I will be sounding stupid forever. Also, it’s not necessary that the people may judge me the same way I judge myself but even if they do I can work towards improvement.

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