Solving hard problems easily – Day 27/90

It’s day 27th of 90 days daily writing challenge. I have started this challenge to improve my English writing and thinking skills to an extent where I can write high quality articles effortlessly.

This article is a summary of video that I saw on Colin Galen youtube channel named Unlock Your Intuition:How to solve hard problem easily. As active recalling is the best way to keep things into one’s long term memory, I thought of putting whatever Colin Galen said in his video into my own words to check what I have understood about the tips shared and also to have a reference to look for in future if required.

What is an Intuition?

Normally whenever we encounter some challenging problem we take time and effort to process or reason it through our conscious thinking in order to arrive to its best possible solution but when we start encountering such problem again and again it becomes easy to solve them spontaneously within few seconds. This ability to solve the complex problem effortlessly without the need for conscious reasoning refers to intuition.

Why intuition is important?

It’s necessary to develop intuition in order to solve time based problem quickly. We dont have limitless time to spend uselessly on complex problem whenever we encounter them so it’s important to develop intuition to arrive at the best solution as quickly as possible. Intuition plays key role in providing the best possible thoughts whenever you encounter a challenging problem so having a strong intuition will help you to come up with the correct series of thoughts which will help you to solve the problem effortlessly.

Intuition must be succeeded by Logical Reasoning

Having strong intuition doesn’t guarantee that you will be able to come up with the correct solution all the time specially if it’s not succeeded by logic. Intuition without logical thinking might take us to the wrong direction which will further lead us to the wrong solution. It’s important to check through our logical reasoning whether our intuition is leading us to the correct direction or not. In addition to strong intuition it’s must to have strong logical reasoning to come up with the correct solution.

Find hard problems and directly look for their solutions

Instead of putting lots of time and effort to come up with the solutions for extremely difficult problems we can directly look for their solutions and try to create a mental mapping for such problems by justifying the solutions as per our own understanding. It’s important to justify the solution in order to have strong understanding and great mental association of them so whenever we encounter new similar or relevant complex problem we can use our previous mental mapping to derive a correct solution. Though using this approach isn’t the most efficient way to get better at solving hard problem but its the fastest way to develop intuition for solving extremely hard problem. The most efficient way is to solve the problem on our own first if there is no time constraints because that way we will have more deeper understanding and mental mapping of the solution. Using the intuition based method by understanding the solutions directly helps in cases where someone wants to skip the lengthy learning process of arriving at the correct solution through trial and error.

My experience writing this article

Summarising the video content wasn’t quite challenging because the language used in the video mostly has plain english which was quite easy for me to grasp. I know I have skipped a lot of key points shared in the video which gives more insight on why this method works but I chose to have bare minimum to understand the method so skipping them isn’t much concerning at least for now.

Time it took me to write this article

So far I have spent 1 hour 20 minutes approximately to finish this article. As per the quality of the article this much time is a quite good improvement to me but will surely love to improve more in terms of both quality and time consumption.

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