Received a call from recruiter for android dev role – Day 19/90

Its day 19th of 90 days daily writing challenge to improve English writing and thinking skills. The aim of this challenge is to reach a level of proficiency at English writing where producing high quality content becomes effortless.

In this article I will be sharing how I received a call from a recruiter for android dev role, what was asked and what was my response.

How I got a call for android dev role?

I was searching for android dev role on LinkedIn and found few of them where I could be a good fit so I started applying for them. I got a call from a recruiter just after few minutes of applying. I wasn’t expecting that I would get any response as I have applied to few of them before too but got no response. Honestly I am quite shocked that I got the response this early.

What was asked and how I responded?

So the first thing the recruiter informed me was about the technologies I must be comfortable with in order to have the interview. She asked me if I am comfortable with retrofit and gradle to which I responded yes I have worked on both of them. Then she asked me about the experience I have developing android apps to which I responded I have 3 years of experience developing app for myself. I informed her that I was developing app purely for business purposes and have not worked at any company yet. She told me I would be considered immediate joiner because developing app for oneself won’t be considered as a work experience. Then I was asked why I spent 3 years on developing apps just for myself and didn’t looked for any job to which I responded I was enrolled in BCA course too so it was not possible for me to look for job that time but now as I have graduated and moved to a new city I am looking for android dev job. She told me that for my case she need to talk to her senior and would inform me tomorrow or day after tomorrow. In short she asked me to wait for two days before she could tell me if I will get the interview or not.

What’s my expectation

Honestly I am not expecting any interview further because I am quite sure they are searching for someone who have experienced working at some renowned company or startup. I don’t know if I will get the response again or not but whatever might be the outcome I am grateful to Allah that at least I got some response.

My experience writing this article

Writing this article was bit interesting because of the nostalgia I got from recalling the conversation. Putting the conversation into words was quite challenging but still I managed to write them up word by word. I have tried my best to express whatever I was able to recall from the conversation. At last I would say with this article I realised I need to work more on my memory and In Sha Allah I would try my best to improve it as much as possible.

Time it took me to write this article

It took me approximately an hour to write this article which is exactly what I expected. The progress I have made so far in terms of quality as well as time management is quite satisfactory but I have miles to go before I can produce some high quality content.

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