Reading books is more rewarding than listening to audio book – Day 2/90

This is the second day of writing articles to learn English in a fashion where I am able to track my progress and keep improving until I become comfortable in writing complex blogs effortlessly.

The views shared here is just what I have experienced while trying out different things to enhance my learning journey. I have tried out both the method of going through books but found reading to be much more efficient and rewarding than just listening to audio books and I am sharing those points out here in this article.

In this busy world, it’s common nowadays to prefer listening to audio books rather than reading them on our own. I did the same as I wanted to go through the book as first as possible without wasting much of my time but in the process I realized that its not efficient and helpful as I was not interacting much with what author has got to convey. Here are some of points that I have personally faced:

Trouble comprehending author’s message

Although listening to audio books makes it much easier and faster to go through the book but it comes with the cost of not being able to comprehend the author’s message as it should be. So while listening to the audio of the book ‘The subtle art of not giving a f**k”, I found myself losing focus a lot without even realizing it. Even when I do realized that I lost my focus in between I didn’t made an effort to rewind and comprehend the missed part as the whole motive of listening the audio version was to finish it as soon as possible which prevented me from understanding author’s message.

Low engagement with the content

Listening to audio books aren’t as engaging as reading it on our own. When reading books I try my best to engage with the content like searching for the new vocabularies meaning wherever I encounter one or even re-reading the sentence and pondering over its meaning before moving onto the next one but when listening to audio book its hard to notice such things. While listening we might tend to believe that we understood the message but in reality that might not be the case as most of us overlook our own shortcomings when we are in flow.

My experience writing this article

So I tried my best to write this article but honestly it was hard for me to even come up with the right sentence to validate my point. Writing this article just made me realize how much more effort I need to put in order to get better. Before writing this article I thought it would not be that hard to express my points but the reality is quite opposite. I have just written two points on why reading is more rewarding than listening books and I cant frame more sentences to backup my opinion. I wouldn’t have got to know these things if I haven’t tried writing so its a great lesson for me to work on my weaknesses and improve accordingly.

Time I took to write this article

Honestly this small article took way more time than expected and it was even hard to come up with the right sentence to express my thoughts. I took 1 hour 45 minutes to write this much. I am happy with the results and I will be putting more effort in the next article. I am bit confused if I should re-edit this article in future or I should let them as it is so it can inspire others too to start their writing journey without worrying about the judgement.

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