Purgation meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Purgation (noun)

Possible Meanings:

  1. The act of purifying or cleansing something. (Most common meaning)
  2. (Religion) A state or process of purification after death, according to some beliefs, in which the soul is prepared for heaven. (Less common meaning)

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Example Sentences (Meaning 1):

  • The doctor prescribed a series of antibiotics for the purgation of the infection. (Explanation: Purgation describes the process of getting rid of the bacterial infection.)
  • The scandal led to a purgation of corrupt officials from the government. (Explanation: Here, purgation describes the act of removing corrupt individuals from positions of power.)

Example Sentences (Meaning 2 – Less common):

  • (Less common): In some religions, purgatory is a place or state of purgation where souls undergo purification before entering heaven. (Explanation: Purgation describes the cleansing process believed to happen in purgatory.)

Conversation Example (Meaning 1):

  • Person 1: “I need to do a major decluttering of my house. It’s time for some serious purgation!”
  • Person 2: “Good idea! Getting rid of unused things can be very cathartic.” (Explanation: Person 1 uses purgation to describe the act of getting rid of unwanted items.)

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Additional Notes:

  • The word “purgation” can have a strong connotation, especially when referring to the removal or punishment of people.
  • It can also be used in a more neutral sense to simply describe the act of cleansing or purifying something.

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