Plausible Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the Day: Plausible (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  1. Seemingly fair, reasonable, or believable; having an appearance of truth.
  2. Superficially pleasing or persuasive (less common).

Example Sentences:

  1. He offered a plausible explanation for his absence, but I wasn’t entirely convinced. (Explanation: Plausible describes his explanation as seemingly believable, but there might be doubt.)
  2. The movie’s plot was a bit far-fetched, lacking any plausible explanation for the events. (Explanation: Here, plausible describes the lack of a believable explanation in the story.)
  3. The detective searched for any plausible suspects who might have committed the crime. (Explanation: Plausible describes suspects who seem like possible culprits based on available evidence.)
  4. (Less common) The politician’s plausible demeanor helped him win over many voters, despite his controversial policies. (Explanation: Plausible describes his superficially charming personality that might be misleading.)

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Conversation Example:

Person 1: “Did you hear about the rumor going around the office?”

Person 2: “Yes, it sounds pretty crazy. I don’t find it very plausible at all.”

Person 1: “Me neither. There just isn’t any evidence to support it.”

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