My experience with walk in interview – Day 30/90

It’s day 30th of 90 days daily writing challenge. I have started this challenge to improve my English writing and thinking skills to reach a level of proficiency where I can write high quality articles effortlessly.

I have mentioned in the previous article about the walk-in interview that I would be attending today and now after attending the interview, I am sharing my whole interview experience through this article.

What happened at the interview place?

First I went to the destination where interview was to be held and then was asked to pay the registration fee before sitting for the interview so I paid the fee and went straight to the interview hall for the company that was offering relevant job role as per my skill set which in this case was java developer role. I sat there in the interview hall untill my turn came. I handed my resume to the recruiter. Then she went through my resume and started asking the relevant questions as per my resume. I am sharing only the important discussion of the interview in my own words because I can’t exactly recall each wording of the recruiter. So the first question she asked was Why you have a year gap before you started looking for a job to which I responded I was developing app for myself as a solopreneur thing in the hope of making big someday so I gave all my focus on developing my own apps rather than looking for the job. I also informed her I have made all the apps from scratch on my own with the help of video tutorials, googling and documentation.

Then she preceded with “If you have got any success with your app or not?” to which my response was I managed to make few bucks like 100$-150$ as a side income every month or two depending on where my app ranks on the playstore.

After this I explained her in detail about how I monetized my apps and what’s the minimum requirement to transfer money into one’s bank account. I discussed about this in order to convey her indirectly that I am hoping for good package as I am already earning few bucks here and there as a side income. I can’t comment if she got this point or not.

The recruiter told me she is impressed by my hard work and will surely pass my resume to the hiring manager. She asked me to provide alternate number too if in case my primary number isn’t reachable. She also suggested me to explain all my works in detail in the next interview round to which I responded politely by saying Yeah sure I will try my best to be more descriptive in further interview rounds. At last the recruiter concluded the interview by informing me that they will be calling for the next round within a week. So that was all about my today’s interview.

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