Lackadaisical Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Lackadaisical (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  1. Lacking enthusiasm or interest; showing a casual and indifferent attitude. (Most common meaning)

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Example Sentences:

  • The worker approached his task with a lackadaisical attitude, often taking unnecessary breaks. (Explanation: Lackadaisical describes the worker’s unenthusiastic and careless approach.)
  • She spent her afternoon lounging around in a lackadaisical manner, not accomplishing much. (Explanation: Lackadaisical describes her lazy and unmotivated way of spending the day.)

Conversation Example:

Person 1: “Ugh, I feel so lackadaisical today. I can’t seem to focus on anything.”

Person 2: “Maybe a cup of coffee or a quick walk outside will help you perk up a bit.”

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