Word of the day: Integration (noun)
Possible Meanings:
- The act or process of combining or uniting different things into a whole.
- The inclusion of different people or groups into a society, especially as equal members.
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Example Sentences:
- The successful integration of new technology streamlined the company’s workflow. (Explanation: Integration describes the process of combining the new technology to improve efficiency.)
- The school district is working on a plan to promote better integration of students from diverse backgrounds. (Explanation: Here, integration refers to including students equally within the school environment.)
- The scientist studied the integration of different proteins within the cell. (Explanation: This example uses integration in a scientific context, referring to the combining of different cellular components.)
- Segregation
- Disintegration
Conversation Example:
Person 1: “I really enjoyed that movie about different cultures coming together.”
Person 2: “Yes, it was a great story about the challenges and rewards of integration.”
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