Individualism Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the Day: Individualism (noun)

Possible Meanings:

  • A social theory that emphasizes the importance of the individual over the collective. It highlights individual rights, liberty, and personal fulfillment.
  • A cultural emphasis on personal independence, self-reliance, and achievement.

Example Sentences:

  1. American society is often seen as a prime example of individualism, where personal success and freedom are highly valued. (Explanation: Individualism describes a core value within American culture.)
  2. In contrast to collectivist societies, individualism prioritizes individual goals and choices over the needs of the group. (Explanation: Individualism is compared to collectivism to highlight the contrasting values.)
  3. The rise of social media has arguably fostered a culture of individualism, where self-expression and personal branding are prominent. (Explanation: Individualism describes a potential consequence of social media use.)
  4. The philosopher argued for a balance between individualism and social responsibility, emphasizing the importance of contributing to the greater good. (Explanation: Individualism is presented as a concept that can be balanced with other values.)
  5. Throughout history, many social movements have fought for greater individualism, challenging traditional hierarchies and advocating for individual rights. (Explanation: Individualism describes a driving force behind social change movements.)

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Conversation Example:

Person 1: “I’m thinking of starting my own business. I’ve always valued independence and taking charge of my own career path.”

Person 2: “That sounds like a very individualistic decision! It takes courage to strike out on your own, but it can also be very rewarding.”

Person 1: “Exactly. I believe in hard work and personal responsibility, and I’m confident I can make it a success.”

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