Imminent Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the Day: Imminent (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  • Likely to occur at any moment; impending.

Example Sentences:

  • The doctor warned her that her baby’s arrival was imminent. (Explanation: Imminent describes the baby’s birth as about to happen very soon.)
  • With dark clouds gathering overhead, a storm seemed imminent. (Explanation: Here, imminent describes the storm as likely to start very soon.)
  • They raced against time to finish the project before the imminent deadline. (Explanation: Imminent describes the deadline as fast approaching.)
  • Feeling a sense of dread, they waited for the imminent confrontation. (Explanation: Imminent describes the confrontation as about to happen and potentially unpleasant.)

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Conversation Example:

Person 1: “I’m so nervous! My presentation is coming up next.”

Person 2: “Don’t worry, you’ve been practicing hard. Just relax and focus. Besides, it’s not imminent yet, you have some time to prepare yourself.”

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