Idiosyncratic meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Idiosyncratic (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  1. Peculiar to or characteristic of a specific person or thing; unique in a way that is specific to a particular individual. (Most common meaning)

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Example Sentences:

  • The comedian was known for his idiosyncratic sense of humor, which often left audiences both surprised and amused. (Explanation: Idiosyncratic describes the comedian’s unique and personal style of humor.)
  • My grandfather has some idiosyncratic habits, like always wearing a mismatched pair of socks. (Explanation: Here, idiosyncratic describes the unusual and personal habit of wearing mismatched socks.)

Conversation Example:

  • Person 1: “Have you met the new neighbor yet?”
  • Person 2: “Yes, she seems very interesting! She has some rather idiosyncratic taste in decorating her house.” (Explanation: Person 2 uses idiosyncratic to describe the unique and unusual way the neighbor decorates.)

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