Going for walk-in interview tomorrow – Day 29/90

It’s day 29th of 90 days daily writing challenge. I have started this challenge to improve my English writing and thinking skills to reach a level of proficiency where I can write high quality articles effortlessly.

With this article I will be sharing on how I got an opportunity to attend walk-in interview and whether I am prepared enough or not for this interview.

How I got an opportunity to attend walk-in interview for android dev role?

Since few days I was preparing for my interview and kept on applying for the job but didn’t received an opportunity to have any real interview except for just small conversation over the call. I talked about this to one of my cousin who is also in the software engineering field and asked him to inform me about any software or android related job opportunity. After few days he sent me the link to apply for the job which will be held at the same city where I am staying right now. So I visited the site through the sent link and filled up the required form. Then I was asked to join the WhatsApp group to receive updates about the event. On joining the group I got to know about the date and time of the event. Although I joined the group a month ago and knew the schedule then itself but I am writing this article just a day before the event.

How prepared I am for the interview?

Before discussing my preparation I would like to share some insight on what are the minimum requirement to sit for android dev role. The first and core requirement is to have sound understanding of at least any one programming language. The second most important requirement is being able to solve the coding problem using that particular programming language. The last one but highly required criteria to crack a specific role is to have great understanding of the concepts of specialised development field which in my case is android so having android dev essential knowledge is must. Now let’s talk about how prepared I am for the interview. For the programming language and android dev part I am pretty confident with my kotlin and java knowledge but for coding problems I haven’t practiced much so I may face some difficulty at this part. Along with android essentials, I have pretty good knowledge of advanced concepts too. Overall I would say my preparation is somewhat enough to secure android dev role at such company where the sole focus is on development side and advanced DSA knowledge isn’t required much.

My experience writing this article

While writing this article I thought much on how to exactly phrase my sentence in order to sound relevant to someone who don’t have familiarity with the programming interviews. I wasn’t able to express fully what exactly I wanted to convey but still I have managed to give overall insight of the interview process.

Time it took me to write this article

It took me 1 hour 15 minutes to finish this article. This article ain’t any complicated one but required extra time to think in order to explain my thoughts and put them into appropriate sentences for others to understand the overall view of the event.

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