Fervent Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Fervent (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  1. Having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, or enthusiasm. (Most common meaning)

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Example Sentences:

  • The crowd cheered with fervent excitement as their team scored the winning goal. (Explanation: Fervent describes the intense and passionate cheering of the crowd.)
  • She had a fervent desire to make a difference in the world and help those in need. (Explanation: Here, fervent describes her strong and passionate desire.)
  • The speaker delivered a fervent plea for action on climate change. (Explanation: Fervent describes the speaker’s passionate and heartfelt request.)

Focus on Synonyms:

  • Ardent: Intensely enthusiastic or passionate.
  • Impassioned: Filled with strong feeling or emotion, often expressed in speech.
  • Zealous: Fanatically enthusiastic or eager.

Conversation Example:

Person 1: “The young activist spoke with such fervor about environmental protection, it was truly inspiring.”

Person 2: “Her passion is contagious! It makes you want to get involved and make a positive impact.”

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