Fathomless Meaning and Example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Fathomless (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  • Too deep or mysterious to be fully understood.
  • Immense or vast, beyond measurement.

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Example Sentences:

  1. The fathomless depths of the ocean hold many secrets yet to be discovered. (Explanation: Fathomless describes the ocean’s depth as too great to be fully explored and understood.)
  2. The scientist pondered the fathomless universe, filled with countless galaxies and unknown phenomena. (Explanation: Here, fathomless describes the vastness and mystery of the universe.)
  3. The author’s writing style was rich with fathomless symbolism, leaving readers to interpret its deeper meaning. (Explanation: Fathomless describes the complex and potentially hidden meaning within the writing.)
  4. Lost in thought, she gazed at the fathomless night sky, feeling a sense of awe at its immensity. (Explanation: Fathomless describes the vastness and mystery of the night sky.)
  5. The motives of the villain remained fathomless, leaving the heroes to guess his next move. (Explanation: Here, fathomless describes the character’s motivations as too complex or hidden to be understood.)

Conversation Example:

Person 1: “Have you ever read anything by that new sci-fi author? They explore some really mind-bending ideas.”

Person 2: “I haven’t, but it sounds interesting. I love stories that deal with the fathomless mysteries of the universe.”

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