Fastidious Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Fastidious (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  1. Very attentive to cleanliness and order; scrupulously clean and tidy. (Most common meaning)
  2. Paying great attention to detail; meticulous. (Less common meaning, but relevant)

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Example Sentences (Meaning 1):

  • She was a fastidious housekeeper, ensuring every corner of the house was spotless. (Explanation: Fastidious describes her meticulous attention to cleanliness.)
  • He couldn’t tolerate even the slightest mess and had a very fastidious personality. (Explanation: Here, fastidious describes his high standards for tidiness and his intolerance for disorder.)

Example Sentences (Meaning 2):

  • The fastidious architect meticulously reviewed every detail of the building plans. (Explanation: Fastidious describes the architect’s careful and thorough examination of the plans, focusing on even small details.)
  • The chef was known for his fastidious approach to food preparation, using only the freshest ingredients. (Explanation: Here, fastidious describes the chef’s meticulous attention to detail and high standards for quality.)

Conversation Example (Focusing on meaning 1):

Person 1: “Wow, your place is always so neat and organized!”

Person 2: “Thanks! I’m a bit fastidious and can’t relax if things aren’t clean and tidy.”

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