Dystopia Meaning and Example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Dystopia (noun)

Possible Meanings:

  • An imaginary world or society that is unpleasant or frightening.
  • A place characterized by poverty, oppression, environmental ruin, or technological control.

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Example Sentences:

  1. The novel depicted a dystopia where people were controlled by a totalitarian government. (Explanation: Dystopia describes the unpleasant and oppressive society in the story.)
  2. The unchecked pollution created a dystopia where clean air and water were luxuries. (Explanation: Here, dystopia describes a world suffering from environmental ruin, making it a harsh place to live.)
  3. With constant surveillance and limited freedoms, the city slowly transformed into a dystopia. (Explanation: Dystopia describes the city’s descent into a place with oppressive technological control.)
  4. We should be careful about the path we’re on – unchecked inequality could lead to a real-life dystopia. (Explanation: Dystopia is used as a warning about the potential negative consequences of social issues.)
  5. The movie explored the potential dangers of artificial intelligence, showcasing a chilling dystopia ruled by robots. (Explanation: Here, dystopia describes a frightening future where technology controls humans.)

Conversation Example:

Person 1: “Have you read that new book about a society that relies solely on virtual reality?”

Person 2: “It sounds kind of scary. Is it a dystopia?”

Person 1: “Definitely! It explores the dangers of neglecting the real world and becoming too dependent on technology.”

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