Dotty Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the Day: Dotty (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  1. Informal (British English): Slightly crazy or eccentric. Likely to do strange things.
  2. (Less common): Very enthusiastic or infatuated (usually followed by “about” or “over”).

Example Sentences (Meaning 1):

  • She’s a lovely old lady, a bit dotty perhaps, but always kind and friendly. (Explanation: Dotty describes her as slightly eccentric but good-natured.)
  • He was convinced his neighbor was spying on him, but most people thought he was just being a bit dotty. (Explanation: Here, dotty suggests he has strange beliefs that might be a sign of being a little out-of-touch with reality.)
  • Don’t worry about Uncle Harold showing up in his pajamas – he’s a bit dotty but harmless. (Explanation: Dotty describes his behavior as unusual but not threatening.)

Example Sentences (Meaning 2 – Less Common):

  • They’ve been dotty about each other ever since they met in college. (Explanation: Dotty describes their strong feelings of affection for each other.)
  • He’s absolutely dotty about classic cars – spends all his free time restoring them. (Explanation: Here, dotty describes his intense enthusiasm for a particular hobby.)

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Conversation Example (Meaning 1):

Person 1: “Did you see Mrs. Peabody chasing the squirrels with her umbrella again?”

Person 2: (chuckles) “Oh yes, bless her heart. She’s a bit dotty, but the neighborhood wouldn’t be the same without her.”

Conversation Example (Meaning 2 – Less Common):

Person 1: “So, how’s your new puppy doing?”

Person 2: “Oh, she’s amazing! We’re completely dotty about her. Spoiled rotten, of course!”

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