Arcane Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the Day: Arcane (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  • Not known by many people
  • Mysterious or obscure
  • Difficult to understand

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Example Sentences:

  1. The ritual involved arcane symbols and chanting, making it seem very mysterious. (Explanation: Arcane is used here because the symbols and chanting are likely not familiar to most people, adding to the mystery and sense of something unknown.)
  2. My grandfather spoke about an arcane fishing technique he learned from his own dad. (Explanation: This sentence uses arcane because the fishing technique is specific and not widely known by most people, making it a secret passed down through generations.)
  3. The instructions for the camera were full of arcane technical terms. (Explanation: Arcane is a good fit here because the technical terms are likely complex and specialized vocabulary that only someone familiar with photography would understand.)
  4. The hidden library contained arcane texts written in a forgotten language. (Explanation: This sentence uses arcane to describe knowledge that is both obscure (not well-known) and difficult to understand due to the forgotten language.)
  5. The magician performed an arcane trick that left the audience speechless. (Explanation: Arcane is used here because the magic trick is not only mysterious but also suggests it might be complex and involve techniques unknown to most people, leaving the audience amazed.)

Conversation Example:

Person 1: “Have you ever heard of a sundial?”

Person 2: “No, what’s that?”

Person 1: “It’s an arcane way of telling time using the sun. Not many people use them anymore.”

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