Apprehensive Meaning and Example sentences with explanation

Word of the Day: Apprehensive (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  • Feeling anxious or worried that something bad might happen.
  • Uneasy or lacking confidence about something.

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Example Sentences:

  1. Apprehensive about the upcoming presentation, she practiced her speech over and over again. (Explanation: Apprehensive describes her feeling of worry and nervousness before the presentation.)
  2. The hikers felt increasingly apprehensive as the storm clouds gathered overhead. (Explanation: Here, apprehensive describes their growing unease and concern about the approaching bad weather.)
  3. Despite being well-prepared, she remained slightly apprehensive about her first day at a new school. (Explanation: This sentence uses apprehensive for a feeling of mild nervousness even though she’s ready.)
  4. The loud noises coming from the basement made them feel apprehensive. (Explanation: Apprehensive describes their feeling of unease and worry about the unknown source of the noise.)
  5. With the deadline looming, the project manager felt a growing sense of apprehension. (Explanation: Here, apprehensive describes the manager’s increasing anxiety as the deadline approaches.)

Conversation Example:

Person 1: “Are you excited about your trip abroad?”

Person 2: “A little bit, but also kind of apprehensive. It’s my first time traveling alone.”

Person 1: “That’s understandable. But don’t worry, you’ll have a great time! Just be prepared and have a backup plan in case anything unexpected happens.”

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