Changing the mindset – Day 15/90

Its day 15th of 90 days daily English writing challenge to improve my English writing and thinking skills. The aim of this challenge is to reach a level of proficiency in writing high quality articles effortlessly.

In this article I will share why and how I am trying to change my mindset in order to improve the quality of life.

What mindset was I holding previously?

So previously I was in a state of very bad mental health not because of my life circumstances but due to my beliefs that I had. I used to see myself as a worthless and a low self esteem guy and never tried to improve myself. I would always prefer doing things that were easy and would never do things that were outside my comfort zone. I also suffered severely from a poor self image which has always hindered my progress. Whenever I would start a task I would never trust myself if I can finish them on my own without help of others so this caused a very heavy reliance upon others to finish something. Even the most easy task became the tough ones due to lack of self confidence and trust but deep down I knew that I need to change all these things if I want achieve high in my life. I had a lots of self limiting belief which led to weak mindset but I was ready to do anything to overcome them.

How I am improving my mindset?

Improving mindset isn’t something that I would say I have achieved in a day but it’s a very long ongoing journey. I still have so much to work on in order to achieve the greatness which I always dreamt of. The first thing that has helped me a lot to overcome my self limiting belief is being aware of them. Once I became aware of those self limiting belief I started working on them which eventually helped me to eradicate many of them. Overcoming some of the limiting belief took months but after replacing them with more self empowering beliefs I can feel the positive change in the way I think. First of all I started with raising questions one by one on all the negative beliefs that I have and looked for from where I have acquired them and at last I looked for the facts if there is any to back them up. I found most of my negative beliefs were pointless and were acquired mostly from others and even though some of them which came from my own failures didn’t have any facts to back them up. It took a lot of practice to get deep into those beliefs and eradicate them one by one.

How far have I reached?

I can say that I have somehow become pretty good at dealing with irrational beliefs now. Its not like earlier days when I use to put a lot of mental effort to convince myself to overcome self limiting beliefs. With a lots of practice I have reached a stage where I can instantly notice myself acquiring any irrational belief and can easily dispute them without putting much of mental effort. Still I can say I have got a lot to work on to build great confidence and self trust. I am trying my best to achieve a very strong mindset which is free of self doubt and self sabotaging.

My experience writing this article

I wasn’t in the mood to write this article but still persisted in writing this. Honestly this article isn’t even close to what I thought to express. I am finding myself distracting a lot when writing this one which may be due to the fact that I was not in the right mood. I will make sure that I deal with this issue so I can write high quality articles irrespective of any feeling or mood.

Time it took me to write this article

This article took me an hour to write which is what I expected. Though I am quite satisfied with the results but my goal is to write 1500+ word article within an hour in near future.

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