Setting goals is necessary and committing to it is a way to achieve sucess – Day 13/90

Its day 13th of 90 days daily writing challenge that I have started to enhance my English writing and thinking skills. The goal is to reach a level of proficiency in this language where writing quality articles becomes effortless.

In this article I am sharing my experience on why I find myself frustrating and unsuccessful despite having all the resources to be successful.

Not setting clear goals

The problem I find with myself is that I dont set clear goals for myself hence find myself lost in between. Though I do think about achieving certain things and even try my best to do so but I never make clear to myself what’s the result I am trying to achieve with them which leads to abandoning them after a while. I have decided to be specific and clear with the goals and make sure to list down all the possible outcomes I can have after achieving them. For example as of now I have decided to prepare for my android interview and give as many interview as possible to land a android dev role at some company so I have list down every topic I will be studying before sitting for interview.

Setting goals but not committing to it

Personally I am a kind of guy who decides to do certain thing and do it for sometime then abandon it because I find something more interesting. I can’t remain fixated on one thing once it starts getting boring which mostly happens after few days but that doesn’t mean I cant be consistent if I decide to be. I just want to be certain that what I am doing must yield success but that’s something no one can guarantee. I have realised that I need to deal with the uncertainty by doing things even when the outcome might not be what I wish to be. The only way I find myself committing to a goal is by accepting and being comfortable with the worst possible scenario that I might have to face if I don’t achieve expected results by dedicating my time to that specific goal.

Expecting unrealistic outcomes

I have this bad habit of expecting unrealistic outcomes when starting out with any specified goals. I remain delusional unless and until I am not hit by reality. Having high expectations from a very little work causes a lots of frustration specially when I don’t achieve what I expected. This habit of mine has costed me a lot in terms of bad mental health. I am working on this habit by doing more work and expecting very little but it’s easier said than done. It takes a lot of effort to convince myself to not expect much from any specific goals. Also one of the major reason why I fail with most goals is because I try to achieve them in very short period of time which is very unrealistic and unhealthy. Having realistic and achievable goals by giving them the required time would surely fix this one for me.

My experience writing this article

Writing this article was not easy but not even that difficult. I would say there were some part where I was able to quickly come up with the right points while some part required bit of thinking to come up with proper sentences and words. I am satisfied with the results of my progress and will be working more hard in coming days to produce much high quality content.

Time it took me to write this article

It took me approximately an hour to write this article which is what I expected. Though the time it takes to write an article has reduced significantly but there’s a lot of improvement and learning required to produce quality content which I believe will become possible by the end of this 90 days daily writing challenge.

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