Starting is better than overthinking – Day 12/90

It’s day 12th of 90 days daily English writing challenge to get better at writing and thinking in English. The aim of this challenge is to reach a level of proficiency in English language where coming up with quality content becomes effortless.

In this article I will be sharing about my experience on how starting things help me in better decision making than just overthinking about it.

Action is crucial for results

I see that most of the time I spent goes on thinking about the outcomes like if I am choosing the right path or not or what if I waste my time again or whether this field is for me or not and so on but I have realised that this is the worst thing one can do to damage oneself. The amount of stress and worrying that results from overthinking is neither helpful nor productive in any sense so I have started to take actions rather than redundantly spending my precious time inside my head. Taking action is the first step toward achieving any goal as its not possible to get any result without doing so. For example after starting daily writing challenge I can easily see the results with all the action that I put into it which not only helps me in exposing my weaknesses but also helps me in deciding the steps I need to overcome them.

Action reduces stress

Not doing the required task makes me more stressful than doing task. Surely doing some task may be stressful but not doing them will generate much more stress if not now then later. In my case whenever I want to do something and dont do it because of procrastination or some faulty excuses I stress and regret a lot later on. When I do something it might be stressful to me for a while but with action the outcomes starts becoming visible in the process itself thereby making both the process as well as after results more rewarding and motivating. Completion of task gives a sense of achievement which helps in regulating mood and stress reduction too.

Doing things improve my decision making ability

Overthinking makes it difficult to take decision as most of the time is spent on useless and redundant things which are far away from reality. One cant make a good decision by just thinking about the things as nobody can exactly predict the outcome of the decision without taking any action. Taking action won’t guarantee the right decision but at least it will add up to some experience which would further help me in future decision making. Making mistakes are necessary component of learning anything and one cannot make mistake if they do nothing. One of my favourite quote from Psycho Cybernetics book is “To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing and be nothing”.

My experience writing this article

I have a good time writing this article because this article was quite simple with no complex words or sentences. I know there’s a lot more to cover when discussing these topics but as a beginner I dont want to burden myself by spending too much time perfecting things. I have covered most of the points in this article that I have in my mind when I contemplate on my overthinking habits.

Time it took me to write this article

It took me less than an hour to write this article because of its simplicity. I know I can add more points to the article if I spend more time writing this but isn’t doing so because I want to improve over time without making writing stressful and burdensome.

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