What progress I have made from writing for one week – Day 8/90

Today is the day 8th of daily writing challenge that I have started to learn English and will continue up to 90 days. The aim of this challenge is to get as better as possible by having continuous feedback from the previous articles.

In this article I will be sharing what progress I have made over this one week and what I will be doing next to fuel my progress.

Have I made any significant progress or not?

To be honest the progress I have made isn’t any significant or great in terms of writing skills but the weaknesses and mistakes this journey has exposed me to is highly beneficial. If I wouldn’t have started this journey then I would have never knew that I am so bad at expressing myself when it comes to writing. Everyday writing just made me clear on what I need to work on in order to articulate my thoughts and views clearly. Writing is very challenging thing for me because it takes a lot of effort from my side to come up with some meaningful article and even sometimes coming up with the right title also takes huge effort.

What hindered my progress?

The major reason I haven’t progressed much in terms of writing is that I didn’t put all my focus on improving it. Despite being familiar with the weaknesses and mistakes I made no effort to research on how to overcome them. The another big mistake was not analyzing the previous articles for feedback in order to come up with much better articles next time. I have other things going in my life too like searching for android dev job and upgrading my programming skills so I haven’t prioritize writing yet which is one of the factor for not giving my all to this skill.

Things I will be doing to fuel my progress

In order to have some significant amount of progress I will study lots of well written article and journal to have insight on how I can make my upcoming articles more structured and meaningful without having a lots of useless fluff. By writing these articles I realized that I can use right words to skip writing useless sentences so I will make sure to collect vocabularies that can be used in place of these sentences which just makes article lengthy and confusing too. I am quite sure I need to work on my focus and resilience too as these two skills are foundation to improve on anything in life. Currently I am using the time tracking method to increase my focus about which I have shared in my previous article. So these are the things I will be improving to produce much better article in terms of quality and quantity too.

My experience writing this article

Coming up with the right sentence was bit difficult but with this article I realized that I am somehow trying way too hard to sound as good as possible which I believe is causing a lot of useless chaos and confusion. Still I am happy with the article that I wrote because now I am developing some sort of idea on where to put my effort and how I can work my way to become a better at writing.

Time it took me to write this article

It took me 1.5 hours to finish this article which is what I expected. I am expecting to write much better article within this timeframe after a month.

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