Giggle meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Giggle (verb)

Possible Meanings:

  1. To laugh in a short, light, and often high-pitched way, especially as a result of amusement or nervousness. (Most common meaning)

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Example Sentences:

  • The children giggled as they chased each other through the park. (Explanation: Giggle describes the light and joyful laughter of the children.)
  • She couldn’t help but giggle at the comedian’s silly jokes. (Explanation: Here, giggle describes the laughter caused by amusement.)

Conversation Example:

  • Person 1: “Did you hear that funny story?”
  • Person 2: “Yes, it was hilarious! I couldn’t help but giggle.” (Explanation: Person 2 uses giggle to describe their light laughter in response to a funny story.)

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