Impediment Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Impediment (noun)

Possible Meanings:

  1. Something that hinders or obstructs progress or achievement. (Most common meaning)

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Example Sentences:

  • The fallen tree was a major impediment to traffic on the road. (Explanation: Impediment describes the blockage caused by the fallen tree.)
  • Her shyness was a bit of an impediment in social situations, but she was working on overcoming it. (Explanation: Here, impediment describes the obstacle her shyness presented in social settings.)


  • Obstruction
  • Hindrance
  • Barrier
  • Blockage

Conversation Example (Reviewing previous usage):

Person 1: “There seem to be a lot of impediments to progress on this project.”

Person 2: “You’re right. We need to identify the obstacles and find ways to overcome them.”

Additional Notes:

  • Impediment” can also refer to a physical defect that hinders speech (less common).

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