Streak Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the Day: Streak (noun, verb)

Meanings (Noun):

  1. A long, narrow mark or smear: This could be a streak of dirt on a window, a streak of light across the sky, or a streak of paint on a canvas.
  2. A series of similar occurrences or events: This is the most common figurative meaning. It describes a run of successes, failures, good luck, bad luck, etc. (e.g., winning streak, losing streak, hot streak, cold streak)
  3. A vein or layer of something: This is a less common meaning, often used in geology or other technical contexts. (e.g., a streak of coal running through rock)

Meanings (Verb):

  1. To mark with streaks: This could be the act of leaving a streak of dirt on something or streaking paint across a canvas.
  2. To move swiftly: This is a less common meaning, often used to describe something moving very fast in a blurry way. (e.g., “The comet streaked across the night sky.”)
  3. (Informal) To run naked in a public place: This is a vulgar slang meaning and should be avoided in most contexts.

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Example Sentences (Noun – Meaning 1):

  • A bright streak of lightning illuminated the night sky for a moment.

Example Sentences (Noun – Meaning 2):

  • The team is on a five-game winning streak.
  • He’s been having a bad streak of luck lately.

Example Sentences (Verb – Meaning 1):

  • The child streaked mud all over his clothes while playing outside.

Example Sentences (Verb – Meaning 2):

  • A shooting star streaked across the sky.

Conversation Example (Figurative):

  • Person 1: “I can’t believe I aced the last three tests! I’m on a roll!”
  • Person 2: “That’s awesome! Sounds like you’re on a real streak. Keep up the good work!”

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