Fickle Meaning and example sentences with explanation

Word of the day: Fickle (adjective)

Possible Meanings:

  1. Likely to change frequently; unreliable. (Most common meaning)
    • This can refer to someone’s emotions, opinions, or preferences.

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Example Sentences:

  • The weather in this region is notoriously fickle, with sunshine one minute and rain showers the next. (Explanation: Fickle describes the frequent and unpredictable changes in weather.)
  • She’s a bit fickle when it comes to fashion, constantly changing her style. (Explanation: Here, fickle describes her tendency to switch up her fashion preferences often.)
  • I wouldn’t trust him with a secret – he’s too fickle and might blab it out on a whim. (Explanation: Fickle describes his unreliability when it comes to keeping confidences.)

Conversation Example:

Person 1: “I can’t decide what movie to watch. I feel so fickle tonight!”

Person 2: “How about a comedy? We can always switch it up if you get bored.”

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