3 skills I will be working on this year – Day 25/90

It’s day 25th of 90 days daily writing challenge. I have started this challenge to improve my English writing and thinking skills to an extent where I can write high quality articles effortlessly.

In this article I will be sharing about the top 3 skills which I will be working on for this year.

Communication Skills

Communication skills whether it be through writing or speaking is something that is #1 most important to perform better in any aspect of life so I have prioritised this skill over all other skills. It’s hard to express oneself without this basic skill. This skill will benefit me both in my professional as well as private life. Active listening and being conscious are two of the most essential things I will be working on to get better at this skill.

Focus And Memory

Without proper focus and good memory it’s impossible to get ahead in any aspect of life. In fact the ability to focus and recall is the most important skill that decides how better one will get at acquiring any other skills. In order to rightly process any piece of information we require to put an intense amount of focus. This intense amount of focus directly helps in storing the processed information into the memory. Hence both focus and memory are directly contributing to each other.

Great Problem Solving Skills

Not only will this skill help me at programming but will also serve me in all other aspects of my life. In order to fix the broken part in our life this skill plays a crucial role. Problem solving skills help us to identify the problems, dive deep into its roots and then come up with the best possible solution to fix it. Although this skill is something that’s inbuilt in each of us, getting as better as possible would surely give us a disproportionate advantage all throughout our life.

My experience writing this article

I wrote this article in short so that I can add more to it later on when I will have more strong points to increase the content quality. It didn’t take much effort to write this article because the skills described are very basic and are talked about a lot.

Time it took me to write this article

It took me 40 minutes in total to come up with this article. The article as of now has very few points for each mentioned skill but will try to update it in the near future to make it better in terms of quality.

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